[Mind on the rocks]

Friday, September 29, 2006

Just do it

以前看过小S的牙套日记。她那时在19岁那样一个tender age, 一心又想在演艺圈发展,她戴两年牙套很可以理解。 我这一把年纪,自然不必说在演艺圈混,成家立业也都差不多了,为什么非要整牙呢? 说实话我从毕业那年就一直想要整牙,到现在整牙师看了十个,最后下决心却是上个月。以前在学校,甚至刚刚工作时觉得整牙太贵没有保险,加上每次欲下决心总有人说其实你的牙齿不细看也很整齐啊之类的,总是下不了决心。俗话说不怕贼偷就怕贼惦记着,久而久之, 整牙的念头总是在我脑海里盘旋,却一次一次的往后拖,直到一个月前, 忽然想做就去做了。 Nike怎么说的,Just do it。

整牙也不是说整就能整的。首先在牙医那里检查,该洗的洗,该补的补,三颗智齿因为远近高低各不同,牙医一定要我去oral surgeon处拔掉。 全身麻醉拔牙算是一个experience,躺在椅子上头一秒钟还在数天花板上水渍造成的黑点, 下一秒钟马上就不省人事,好像脑子里有一个开关,麻醉进入血管马上短路。隐隐听到有人呼唤我的名字,眼睛睁开的同时,神清志明,再转头一看,两颗智齿和变成三瓣的第三颗极其顽固的智齿已尽数躺在一个搪瓷盘上。医生兴高采烈的和我说这第三颗如何如何难拔,而且已经发炎,他切骨凿碎如此这般这般。说的话每个字我都是明白的,却好像要用两倍的时间把它们组成句子再来反应。好在医生有先见之明,一定要有人陪同回家。在路上我顺便弯进一家店去买一瓶茶树精油。 第二天早上醒来看着这瓶精油还有亲手签名的receipt却怎么也想不起来有这么一回事. 拔掉三颗智齿一事当然没有忘记。因为下来整整10天我都肿着半边脸,充分领略了止疼药的神奇功效。每六个小时一定要吃和horse pills那么大的止疼药片和抗生素共三种。最神奇的是我每天和老板开会,他却一次都没有注意到我整个左脸是肿的,倒是平时不常见的三楼的同事注意到了。


Thursday, September 28, 2006


很多整牙的人可能都有我这样的经历. 戴着一嘴的金属忍着种种不适, 迎面走来一个人却说, 诶, 你的牙齿本来就很整齐啊! 实在是*#^*&$. 为什么没有人看到我的两颗premolars都争先恐后跳出来要组成他们自己的团队呢?到今天为止所有见过我崭新的牙套Look的人中,只有我那美丽的有着洁白整齐牙齿的表妹对我的决定表示了赞同。嗯,姑且让我小人一回,只有整齐牙齿的人才能明白为什么有人高龄戴牙套忍受1-2年. 我想象着一年半以后我的牙齿整齐的像假的一样就觉得牙套太神奇, 真是愚公移山, 水滴石穿, 沧海桑田, 苦海无边...

1. 再做了N次Consultations之后忽然对所有人的牙齿特别感兴趣.
2. 看见所有的食物都自动filter两次: 能不能在最短的时间里切成bite-size/是不是值得之后清洁的时间,再来就是卡路里
3. 对braces的看法有了180度的大转弯. 没戴之前我觉得braces are kind of cute... 自己戴上了反复照镜子发现, hmm... 刚戴那两天很想和整牙师说能不能改成透明的(虽然很容易break)会不会被她打死. 现在两个礼拜了,终于习惯了。
4. 对自己的笑容异常self conscious. 向来仰天露出十颗牙齿长笑的我现在在最短时间内完成掩嘴 微笑的转变.
5. 切身体会到canine, incisors, premolars and molars对于咀嚼食物的不同功用---当你连一条面条或者一小块西红柿都咬不下去的时候. 想起姥姥说过"没牙什么东西都没滋味", 当下发誓做好牙齿保健和口腔清洁.
6. 彻夜研究各种广东粥的做法。麻婆豆腐(或者任何形式的豆腐),蒸鸡蛋在饭桌上出现得越来越频繁了。
7。刷牙,floss,漱口一天3次,雷打不动。如果说我看小S的牙套日记有什么感触的话那就是她说如果整牙期间不保持口腔卫生,很有可能拿下牙套那一天,一口牙齿都烂掉。Fear... has always been the most effective motivation.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Logitech cordless optical trackman

If you are like me, plucking and clicking away at a compute most of the time the last thing you need is a overworked index finger. Drawing with the traditional mice is tremendously hard on your right index finger with the excessive amount of pointing and orienting.

Ok. Take a look at this picture. You probably think, and rightly so, that the mouse is indeed "cordless"

However after I paid 55 bucks or so, waited a few weeks, and finally opened the box I got more than what I bargained for. The mouse has a receiver that's the size of a traditional mouse and (gasp!) it has a long cord, both of which are not shown in the product description page. The receiver must be plugged into the USB port of a computer. Instead of freeing up more space on my desktop, now I have a receiver, a long cord, and a "cordless optical trackman" that's twice as big as the traditional mouse. GO FIGURE.

No matter. If the trackman does its job and spares my index finger from pressing down a zillion times a day, then the bulkiness and "cordless" cord are just small tradeoffs. However the movement of the trackman is not as precise as I'd expected. The moment I let go of the click button, the selection moves slightly and there goes my eye-straining effort of aligning just the right amount of space. I ended up using my old mouse so as to avoid defining the precise dimension of objects by entering numbers.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Design of everyday things (not a book review)

We are surrounded by functional but oftentimes ugly and thoughtless objects. I am not referring to those that elicit emotions and feelings, hence the pack rat in all of us. But the ones that we come to contact with on a daily basis, be it an enhanced experience (my iPOD and my Bose), or merely a means to the goal, such as the jumbo-sized Listerine from which I take great pleasure envisioning the day when it’s empty. Mundane objects with their mandane design, constantly remind us how mundane life can be... Yes I loath the jumbo-sized Listerine bottle.

Living out of a suitcase and two cardboard boxes for three months proved that the quantity of object plays a minor role in the quality of our lives. What I am more interested in is the “spark” in these items, things, objects, stuff that embed ingenious designs that make people’s lives easier, but more importantly more interesting.

Target pill bottle

This is not new anymore but I guess it is new here so I will use it as a starting point. My goal is to find at least one each day.
