[Mind on the rocks]

Friday, April 20, 2007

In the time of crisis

Read this on a regular feed this morning:

It was probably just a coincidence, but TMZ is reporting that Netflix featured the movie Oldboy, which might have been an influence for Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui.

Two TMZ staffers logged into their Netflix "suggestions page" this morning -- both often rent foreign films -- and the top suggestion surprisingly came back as the super violent South Korean revenge flick, "Oldboy." According to several published reports, one of the photos in the killer's now infamous press kit bore a striking resemblance to a key image in the film.

I cannot believe it has all come down to this, again. This nameless coward of a writer speculates that “…might have been an influence for…” Can we all shake up and realize that in the face of a grave tragedy, tossing speculations that cannot be substantiated is dangerous? Besides, why does it all have to be traced back to some movie, a South Korean one at that. Cho was a 23-year-old when he pulled the trigger; he’s got to know the difference between a movie and reality. Give me a break.