[Mind on the rocks]

Friday, November 03, 2006

Big cats, big... paws

Saw Duma tonight... Africa depicted is so immense and full of breathtakingly beautiful animals. This poster is so cute
This tail alone should shed some light on the difference between a cheetah and a leopard. A cheetah's tail is usually longer and larger than the leopards, because it's used as a rudder when they run. If you are like a cheetah, going at it at 70mph you will need something strong to direct you places. But of course there are other differences:

The one on top is a leopard with rosette markings and a shorter tail, but then here is another cat with even larger rosette markings and a shorter tail.

And this is a jaguar...

Now onto its cousin who lives in high plains of Asia Snow leopard. Look at the paws of that thing!


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